
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

We’re taking the gospel from Oviedo to the ends of the earth! Where will YOU go to accomplish this mission?

Local Missions Trips

Southwest Missouri

July 19-25
Estimated Cost: $800-1,000
Camp Barnabas is a ministry in Southwest Missouri dedicated to providing a unique Christian summer camp experience to individuals with special needs, their siblings, and youth from around the United States.  During this trip, you can expect to serve as a Counselor or Cabin Parent to help these amazing campers with disabilities experience the camp to the fullest and learn about Jesus.

This trip is open to High School Students and Chaperones.

Trip Contact:
Darryl Nelson

Global Missions Trips


June 19 - July 1
Estimated trip cost:  $3,000
Pray for our team partnering with Equip Ministries Uganda.  We’ll be assisting in their Christian school and doing community evangelism in Gaba, Uganda.

This trip is full so there are no openings at this time.

Trip Contact:
Jeff Dunson


July 28 - August 5
Estimated Cost:  $2,200
Spend a week experiencing the tropical beauty of the world’s largest river by boat as you share the gospel in remote villages along the Brazilian Amazon.  During this trip with Amazon Hope, you can expect to serve in eye and medical clinics, evangelism, and women’s, men’s, and children’s ministry.

This trip is open to adults and students.

Trip Contact:
Jeff Dunson



August 15-25
Estimated Cost:  $2,500
Join us as we partner with CRU to reach the people of Japan and support the local church as they reach out to their community.  We will spend our week helping run a VBS and English camp for kids.  

This trip is open to adults.

Trip Contact:
Jeff Dunson


Disaster Relief

When disaster strikes, you can be the hands and feet of hope through CrossLife’s Disaster Relief team. Whether it’s removing fallen trees, tarping roofs, preparing meals, or offering administrative support, there’s a role for every skill set in bringing relief to those affected by natural disasters. Deployments are made on an as-needed basis, and trips are open to credentialed Florida Baptist Disaster Relief Volunteers. Together, we can restore homes, comfort hearts, and shine a light in the darkest moments. Join us and make a tangible difference when it’s needed most. For more information and partnerships for disaster relief, email Don Jacobs.

Our Church Partners

Redemption Hill
Winston-Salem, NC

Brandon & Rachel Mercer
The vision of Redemption Hill church is to love God, live life together, and serve the community in order to see Christ-centered transformation among all people where we live, work, and play.

International Mission Board
Nice, France

Patrick & Katie Thompson
Church Plant in Southern France. More details  soon.

Echo Church
Anaheim, CA

Jason & Rachel Polk
The mission of Echo Church is to make God’s glory resound by echoing the love of God and making disciples that make disciples that make disciples… (Isaiah 42:10-12).

Our Missions Initiatives

Florida Baptist Convention, North American Mission Board, East Central Baptist Network, Equip Ministries Uganda, International Mission Board, New Missions, Compassion International, Bible Study Fellowship, Ministry to the Nations, Amazon Hope, Florida Baptist Convention, Camp Ozone, Christian Help Employment Center, CRU, Families Count, Florida Baptist Disaster Relief, Hope Helps, The Sharing Center, YWAM, Wycliffe Associates, North American Mission Board