CrossLife Kids Leadership Resources


Global Missions Conference - October 2-6
Family Mission Night - October 11
Trunk or Treat and Chili Cook Off - October 27
Family Potluck Sunday - November 10


October Birthdays

Weekly Attendance

Worship: 135
Small Groups: 160

Next Lessons

October 6 Rahab  God is Mighty 
(Joshua 2,6)
October 13 Gideon  God works in mighty and unexpected ways 
(Judges 7)
October 20 Ruth God works in mighty and unexpected ways
(Ruth 1-4)
October 27 David and Goliath Nothing is mightier than God
(1 Samuel 17)

Wednesday Night

Global Missions Conference October 2

Prayer Request

Pray for the people impacted by the fall hurricanes
Pray that we have more kids to come to know Christ
Pray for our Sunday and Wednesday leaders, you are cherished

Resource Room

We are blessed to have numerous Resource Rooms stocked with supplies & equipment for teachers to use in their classrooms. It's our goal to provide you with the tools you need to be effective in ministry each week. 

Resource Room Locations

Dolphin Resource Room –  On the Main hallway of Friendship Island – stocked with art supplies, office supplies, stickers, kitchen-type supplies, hula hoops, posterboard & colored butcher paper.   This location is the home to the Ellison die cut machine – Die Cut List. Baskets filled with requested supplies for Starfish, Dolphin & Pelican rooms will be in this location.
Parrot Resource Room – On the Parrot hallway of Friendship Island – contains manipulatives, books, puzzles, postcards and donatable supplies.  This is also the location of basket pick-up for any preordered supplies for Parrot rooms.

View a list of the specific supplies available and which of these Resource Rooms you can find them in.

Resource Room Supply Requests

Don’t you wish you could give someone a list of things you need and they would gather them for you? Well, you can make that happen!  Submit a Resource Room Request form online! Requests submitted by Wednesday will be ready for you to pick up on Sunday morning from the following locations:
Have a question? Need some help? Please email your question or call the Preschool or Children’s Ministry Office at 407-365-3484 to leave a message for Lauren Bailey, Resource Room Coordinator.

Leader Links


Dr. Thomas Larison

Elementary Children's Minister