First Name
Last Name
Which group did you serve?
K/1 Legacy Hall
2/3 Worship Center and Student Center
4/5 CLC
VBS Desk
Hospitality, 45 West, Security, Carts and Welcome Team
Clinic or Calming Center
Music, Experience or Evangelism
Rotation Leader
Snack Team
Music Team
Coordinator/Leader/Director of your area
Carts, Welcome Team, Security
Did you attend VBS Kickoff Rally 2024?
If you attended the VBS Kickoff Rally 2024, how was it helpful? What else would you like to cover there?
If you served in education and were a rotation leader, teacher or captain, what is your impression of the curriculum, themes and topics covered?
Did you get to visit Volunteer Hospitality, if so, how did you enjoy the experience?
It hit the spot!
I didn't enjoy the atmosphere or snacks, I'll pack my own
I didn't make it in
In your role, if you worked with youth interns, how did you see the experience benefit the intern? In your position were there too many, too few, or just the right amount of youth interns in your area?
We added a Calming Center break spot for children. If you utilized the space what was your impression for the child/children it served?
How did you see God moving through VBS? Please share an experience or story from the week.
Please share any additional thoughts or comments
Count me in for VBS 2025
Call me in October